Health care division; Organizational Commitment; Work-life balance. Healthcare sector, Healthcare employeesAbstract
This study aims to assess the relationship between organizational commitment and work-life balance among staff members working in hospitals in the Indian state of Punjab. Based on a sample of 382 hospital employees, including medical and paramedical staff, the study was conducted. The required information was gathered using a standardized questionnaire. The Smart PLS statistical tool was utilized for analyzing the data that was gathered. The study's findings demonstrate a significant and positive association between organizational commitment and work-life balance in selected hospitals of Punjab, highlighting the significance of this balance in encouraging employee commitment in this situation. Based on the R 2 value of 0.644, it can be concluded that the model is responsible for approximately 64 percent of the variance in organisational commitment. Nevertheless, the circumstances that are accountable for the remaining 36 percent of variability have not been found.Downloads
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