
  • Petar Borisov AUP
  • Georgi Petkov


circle economy, profitability, bio economy, management of enterprise


The purpose of current research is to analyze the main definitions regarding the essence of the concept of "circular economy" and summarize a general approach for defining scientific principles for evaluating the potential of the circular economy in the agricultural sector of Bulgaria. Compiling an objective and credible methodology for the analysis and evaluation of the contribution of the circular economy approach in the management of the profitability of enterprises in the sector is a complex process that must begin with the definition of the boundaries of scientific research, as well as the determination of the main limitations, as well as in terms of the information characterizing the object and the subject of research, as well as in terms of the influence of other "random" events (phenomenon) on the level of profitability achieved in the investigated enterprises.


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How to Cite

Borisov, P. and Petkov, G. (2024) “THE ROLE OF CIRCULAR ECONOMY IN THE MANAGEMENT OF ENTERPRISES PROFITABILITY - THEORETICAL FORMULATIONS AND LIMITATIONS”, Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, 3(1), pp. 4–21. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2025).