
  • Tamara Kalistratova Neofit Rilski University, Bulgaria


Staff, Staff-satisfaction, Communication, Strategic tools


Communication in organizations is essential to be competitive in a global world that is constantly changing. Internal communication in particular can be a very effective and useful strategic tool to improve organizational effectiveness through employee motivation and satisfaction. The analysis shows that internal communication in organizations directly influences job satisfaction and also indirectly, through workplace motivation, giving workplace motivation a mediating role. Therefore, it is important for organizations to invest in effective internal communication strategies to promote employee motivation and satisfaction, recognizing motivation as a key mediator in the relationship between internal communication and job satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Kalistratova, T. (2024) “INTERNAL COMMUNICATIONS AS A WAY TO MANAGE STAFF SATISFACTION”, Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, 3(2), pp. 223–231. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2025).