Public sector, Management, PRB, StrategiesAbstract
Since the beginning of the century, there have been major changes in the relations of business and public sector representatives with individuals and society on a global scale. A number of surveys have found that senior executives in both the public and private sectors believe they are witnessing one of those turning points in history where the rules are changing in fundamental ways and accepted postulates, long-standing institutions and wildly successful enterprises are subject to quick redefinition. Therefore, it is safe to say that at this point the already known paradigms for communications are not valid. Contemporary concepts such as the triple bottom line, governance, sustainability, corporate citizenship, socially responsible behavior (social, environmental and economic), reputation, trust, legitimacy and ethics monopolize strategic conversations from the US to Europe to South Africa. These qualitatively new concepts have (or at least should have) relevance to the future practice of corporate communication.Downloads
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