

Customer defection, Satisfaction, Interpurchase time , MarTech(marketing technology)


Customer defection is a major challenge for companies to remain competitive and profitable. This paper combines the variables of customers satisfaction and their interpurchase time to propose a statistic model of customer defection rate. The Bayer’s rule is used for MarkTech application. The empirical data of customer purchase in E-commerce online platform are conduct for both parameters estimation and model calibration. The results show acceptable good fitness of proposed model and the practical data. The conclusion provides the suggestions for applying data combination with MarkTech.


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How to Cite

Huang, H.-H. (2024) “A MODEL OF PREDICTING CUSTOMER DEFECTION WITH SATISFACTION AND INTERPURCHASE TIME IN MARTECH FRAMEWORK”, Journal of Management Sciences and Applications, 3(2), pp. 245–253. Available at: https://jomsa.science/index.php/jomsa/article/view/89 (Accessed: 19 January 2025).